Bali Personal Drivers - Seni Karawitan (Musical Arts) is the art to cultivate the sound of objects, ie a traditional musical instrument. In Bali a traditional musical instrument is called a gamelan or gambelan. In gamelan instruments contained percussion, wind, stringed and the other.
According to his era, Gamelan Bali is divided into 3 major sections :
1 | Gamelan Wayah (old) |
2 | Gamelan Madya (midst) |
3 | Gamelan Anyar (Newer) |
Gamelan Wayah thought to have existed before the XV century. Generally dominated by the tools shaped blades and do not use "kendang" (drums). Even if there are kendang, it is certain that the role of these instrument is not so prominent. Some of Gamelan Wayah include :
1 | Angklung |
2 | Balaganjur |
3 | Gender Wayang |
4 | Selonding and others. |
![Bali Personal Drivers | Gamelan Angklung](
- Gamelan Angklung
Gamelan Angklung is gamelan-barreled slendro, which was formed by a bladed instrument and "pencon" of "krawang", sometimes augmented with whisk angklung bamboo (which is small). Formed by the gamelan instruments are relatively small and lightweight (so easy to play while a procession).
Based on the context of use of the gamelan, and the types of percussion are sung Gamelan Angklung can be distinguished :
Angklung Klasik / Traditional | played to accompany the ceremony (without dancing) |
Angklung Kebyar | played to accompany the dance and drama performances. |
In Southern Bali's this gamelan, just use 4 tones while in Northern Bali using 5 tones. One barung gamelan angklung can play both, because often using gamelan instruments and musicians alike. Among the wider community Gamelan Angklung is known as a gamelan accompaniment Pitra Yadnya ceremonies Ngaben.
Gamelan Angklung instruments consist of :
The percussion titles which is commonly known among the angklung players such as : Capung Manjus, Pipis Samas, Guwak Maling Taluh etc. Whereas for Angklung Kebyar, the percussion that played is the same as that used in Gong Kebyar.
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